Sunday, August 22, 2010

see ya later San Francisco...

I'm a little sad because I have left San Francisco and gone back to college on the East Coast. But never fear! I will continue to post about all things SF related!

Friday, August 6, 2010


One of my favorite things to do in San Francisco is go vintage shopping. Thankfully there is an abundance of stores selling authentic vintage clothes and accessories scattered all over the city. Some are more edited than others and can be on the pricey side, and others sell a range of reasonable vintage treasures. For example I picked up two cashmere sweaters for $8 at Clothes Contact the other day! If you're into vintage and have a little bit of time on your hands these places are essential to check out.
Just take a walk down Valencia Street! 

Clothes Contact
473 Valencia Street (map)

791 Valencia Street (map)
Retro Fit
910 Valencia Street

The Painted Bird
1360 Valencia Street (map)

3162 16th Street (map)

and for many more: San Francisco Vintage and Secondhand Shops

Mission Street

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Pictures!!

I've recently started shooting with a Holga and here are some samples from the first role ever. I still have a lot to figure out with this camera but so far I'm liking the results.

fruit stand in the Mission:

first shot ever, double exposed: